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New Zealand Road Code Test

23 DMV Questions of 01 Road and Vehicle Signs

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1. What is the meaning of a yellow broken line painted on the road near the kerb?

A. You may not pass.
B. Only trucks may park here.
C. You may stop for no more than 5 minutes.
D. No vehicles may stop here.

Explanation : You must not park or stop your vehicle: on NO STOPPING lines (broken yellow lines) marked within one metre of the edge of the road, which you may see near pedestrian crossings, intersections, driveways or narrow roads

2. What does this sign mean?

A. Childrens playground ahead.
B. Railway station ahead.
C. Railway level crossing ahead.
D. Railway museum ahead.

Explanation : Railway level crossing signs

3. This sign means that:

A. you may stop your vehicle if there are no cars coming.
B. you may stop your vehicle between 6pm and 8am except on Friday and Saturday.
C. you may stop your vehicle if someone stays in it.
D. You cannot stop here at any time

Explanation : It is a no-stop sign, You cannot stop here at any time

4. What kind of sign is it if it has yellow and black colours

A. Temporary Warning sign
B. Permanent Warning Sign
C. Motorway Sign
D. One day Sign

Explanation : Temporary warning signs are orange and black; Permanent warning signs are yellow and black.

5. A broken yellow line painted close to the edge of the road means that you:

A. can park if somebody who can move it stays in the vehicle.
B. can stop briefly to let off passengers or unload goods.
C. must slow down when you drive along this road.
D. may not stop or park your vehicle there at any time.

Explanation : You must not park or stop your vehicle: on 'no stopping' lines (broken yellow lines) marked within one metre of the edge of the road, which you may see near pedestrian crossings, intersections, driveways or narrow roads.

6. what do you do when you come to a stop sign ?

A. carry on
B. stop
C. slow down, and if no cars passing on road then carry on without stopping
D. none of these

Explanation : you always need to stop when you come across a stop sign as sometimes you can not see clearly around corners.

7. What do these road markings mean?

A. Turning vehicles should enter turning lane at arrows and avoid striped area.
B. Turning vehicles should avoid all road markings and use the left-hand lane.
C. All vehicles can make a U-turn at these road markings.
D. Turning vehicles drive straight over all road markings and wait to turn right.

Explanation : A right-turn bay is an area where vehicles that are turning right can wait until it is safe to turn, without holding up vehicles going straight through. You can only drive over the white diagonal lines if you are turning right.

8. What does a yellow reflector (cats eye) placed on the road mean?

A. The left side of the road
B. The centre of the road
C. No passing
D. The right side of the road

Explanation : Reflects yellow at night so it is clear that no passing is allowed

9. You may park your vehicle on a loading zone, only if:

A. you are loading or unloading people or goods.
B. there is no other vehicle on it.
C. it is between the hours of 12.00 am and 6.00 am.
D. it is between the hours of 6.00 pm and 6.00 am.

Explanation : Any vehicle can stop here to unload goods or people, but the vehicle must not be left unattended for more than five minutes

10. When coming up to a one-lane bridge, what does this sign indicate?

A. You must give way.
B. You have the right of way.
C. You must stop.
D. You must slow down.

Explanation : The big white arrow on the blue rectangle shows that you can go onto the bridge first. Others should give way to you. Slow down and check for vehicles that may already be on the bridge, before driving on.

11. What does a white reflector (cat's eye) placed on the road mean?

A. The left side of the road.
B. The centre of the road.
C. No passing.
D. The far right side of the road.

Explanation : Red cats eye means Left side of road; Yellow cats eye means No passing; Blue Cats eye means Fire hydrant; White cats eye means Centre line

12. what colour light means you can go when approaching at the road intersection

A. red
B. orange
C. green
D. purple

Explanation : green light means you can proceed

13. a sign is coloured orange and black, what kind of sign is it?

A. temporary warning sign
B. compulsory sign
C. information sign
D. permanent warning sign

Explanation : Temporary warning signs are orange and black, Permanent warning signs are yellow and black.

14. what the sign indicates?

A. Loading Safe Zone
B. Low Speed Zone
C. Limited Speed Zone
D. Land Slide Zone

Explanation : This is a Limited Speed Zone, it means that you can drive at the open road speed limit, provided it is safe to do so. However, you must not exceed 50 km/h if conditions are hazardous.

15. What is this?

A. stop sign.
B. speed camera.
C. pedestrian crossing ahead.
D. rail way station ahead.

Explanation : speed camera takes a picture of your number plate when you have been speeding, and later on that week, officials will send a speeding fine to you.

16. What does this warning sign mean?

A. Stop on Request
B. Left Lane Closed
C. Road Works
D. Gravel Surface

17. What does a yellow reflector (cats eye) placed on the road mean?

A. The left side of the road.
B. The centre of the road.
C. No passing.
D. The far right side of the road.

Explanation : Red cats eye means Left side of road; Yellow cats eye means No passing; Blue Cats eye means Fire hydrant; White cats eye means Centre line

18. What colour are temporary warning signs?

A. Blue.
B. Green.
C. Orange.
D. Red.

Explanation : Permanent warning signs are yellow and black. Temporary warning signs are orange and black.

19. What does this sign mean?

A. Cycle lane.
B. Keep left.
C. Greasy surface.
D. Left-hand lane closed.

Explanation : Left lane closed

20. What does this sign means?

A. You can drive Zigzag.
B. You can enjoy your drive.
C. Greasy surface ahead.
D. No left or right turns.

Explanation : This sign means its a greasy surface ahead.You must drive carefully when you see this sign.

21. What must you do when you see a red stop sign?

A. Stop if there are other cars nearby
B. Stop and wait at least 30 seconds then proceed
C. You must stop and give way
D. Slow down, then continue if there are no hazards

Explanation : You should stop before the stop line, give way to other vehicles, and check to ensure safety then proceed

22. What is the colour of a permanent warning sign?

A. Orange and black
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Yellow and black

Explanation : Permanent warning signs are yellow and black. Temporary warning signs are orange and black.

23. You are coming up to a one-lane bridge and you see this sign. What must you do?

A. Give way to any oncoming vehicles.
B. Only give way to any larger oncoming vehicles.
C. Drive straight ahead without stopping.
D. Drive straight ahead but keep to the far left.

Explanation : The first warning sign has a yellow diamond-shaped sign to tell you that you are coming up to a one-lane bridge and a round sign with a red border to tell you that you must give way to vehicles coming towards you.

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