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New Zealand Road Code Test

29 DMV Questions of 03 Limits

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1. If your doctor gives you medication, you should:

A. stop driving while taking the medication.
B. ask the doctor what effect it will have on your driving ability.
C. drive as you would normally.
D. drive slower than normal during the time you are taking the medication.

Explanation : The law also says you must not drive if you have taken any type of drug that may affect your driving ability. If you are prescribed drugs by a doctor, always ask if they will have any effect on your driving.

2. What does this sign mean?

A. Heavy trucks and buses should drive around the curve at 65 km/h.
B. All vehicles should drive around the curve at more than 65 km/h.
C. The speed for safe and comfortable driving around the curve is 65 km/h.

Explanation : The signs warns you that a tight curve or bend in the road ahead. The number recommends a safe and comfortable speed to drive at around the curve - it is 65 km/h here. The arrows show which direction the curve goes.

3. which license holder can assist you when driving if you've got your learners?

A. restricted license holder
B. learner license holder
C. no one, you can drive around by yourself
D. full license holder

Explanation : While on a learner licence: You must only drive with a licensed car driver (who’s held a full New Zealand car licence for at least two years) sitting beside you supervising your driving.

4. What is the speed limit from the time you pass an Accident sign until you are past the crash site?

A. 20 km/h.
B. 30 km/h.
C. 40 km/h
D. 50 km/h.

Explanation : The sign means that you are coming up to a crash site. Slow down and drive at 20 km/h or less until you have passed the crash site.

5. what is the speed limit on the open road?

A. 80km/h
B. 65km/h
C. 100km/h
D. 50km/h

Explanation : The speed limit is 100km/h on the open road and 50km/h in urban areas. if you go over the speed limit and been caught by the police you will get fined

6. what is the alcohol limit if you are under 20

A. zero
B. 100 micrograms per litre of breath
C. 30 micrograms per litre of breath
D. 10 micrograms per litre of breath

Explanation : There is a zero alcohol limit if you are under 20. Twenty or over which is 400 micrograms per litre of breath or 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood.

7. What does this sign mean?

A. Do not drive slower than 70 km/h.
B. Do not drive faster than 70 km/h.
C. A rest area is 70 metres ahead.
D. Do not stop for the next 70 metres.

Explanation : The maximum speed you can travel is 70 km/h

8. If you have to drive at a slow speed, which may hold up other vehicles, what should you do?

A. Keep as close as you can to the centre of the road.
B. Keep as close as you can to the left side of the road.
C. Make the traffic behind you slow down to the speed that you are driving at.
D. Drive down the middle of the road so that any vehicles behind you can pass on the left.

Explanation : If you are travelling slower than the speed limit and there are vehicles following you, you must: keep as close to the left side of the road as possible; or pull over as soon as it is safe to let following vehicles pass.

9. what is the speed limit on urban areas

A. 80km/h
B. 70km/h
C. 60km/h
D. 50km/h

Explanation : The speed limit is 100km/h on the open road and 50km/h in urban areas. if you get caught for going over the speed limit you will be fined by the police.

10. What does this sign mean?

A. Do not drive slower than 100 km/h.
B. Do not drive faster than 100 km/h unless the road is clear.
C. Do not drive faster than 100 km/h.
D. A rest area is 100 metres ahead.

Explanation : The sign means that the maximum speed that you can travel at is 100 km/h.

11. Which of the following are you legally not alowed to do while you are driving a vehicle

A. Use a mobile phone
B. Listen to music
C. Eat food
D. Fix your hair

Explanation : Event though all of these answers are highly dangerous, using a mobile phone is illegal

12. What is the speed limit in a limited speed zone when hazardous conditions exist?

A. 80 km/h.
B. 70 km/h.
C. 60 km/h.
D. 50 km/h.

Explanation : The sign means that you can drive at the open road speed limit, provided it is safe to do so. However, you must not exceed 50 km/h if conditions are hazardous.

13. You and some friends decide to go out to the bar and have some drinks, you have been elected to be the sober driver but you end up having a few drinks anyway, what should you do?

A. Drive anyway as you don`t feel drunk
B. Call a taxi or sober friend to pick you up
C. Make one of your friends drive as you don`t want to get caught
D. Drive home and leave your friends at the bar to get a taxi

Explanation : When you go out drinking, it is important to have someone either not drink at all or only have non-alcoholic drinks if you drive

14. You are required to undergo a breath screening test when requested by:

A. an ambulance officer.
B. a doctor.
C. a member of the public.
D. a police officer.

Explanation : A police officer can ask you to take a passive breath test or breath screening test if: you are suspected of drinking and driving; or you are signalled to stop at a Police alcohol check point.

15. You are driving in a 100km/h zone and you see an accident sign, what speed should you slow down to?

A. 50km/h
B. 100km/h
C. 20km/h
D. 10km/h

Explanation : Accident sign means that you are coming up to a crash site. Slow down and drive at 20km/h or less until you have passed the crash site.

16. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Alcohol makes you a better driver.
B. Alcohol has no effect on the way you drive.
C. Alcohol makes you react faster when driving.
D. Alcohol slows down your reactions when driving.

Explanation : Alcohol and drugs, including some drugs given to you by a doctor, can seriously affect your driving. They can slow your reaction times and affect your senses. You risk causing death and serious injury to yourself and other people if you drive under the in

17. The speed limit means the:

A. slowest speed you can drive in good conditions.
B. average speed you can drive in good conditions.
C. fastest speed you can drive in good conditions.
D. fastest speed you can drive, except when overtaking.

Explanation : Excessive speed is one of the biggest killers on our roads. On average, 170 people die every year in New Zealand in speed-related crashes. Remember, the faster you go, the more likely you are to be killed or seriously injured if you crash.

18. What is the maximum legal speed for a car towing a trailer on the open road?

A. 70 km/h.
B. 80 km/h.
C. 90 km/h.
D. 100 km/h.

Explanation : Heavy motor vehicles (vehicles with a gross vehicle mass* of over 3500 kg) and heavy motor vehicles towing trailers, limit: 90 km/h; Light vehicles towing trailers, limit: 90 km/h

19. What does this sign mean?

A. Do not drive slower than 50 km/h.
B. Do not drive faster than 50 km/h unless the road is clear.
C. Do not drive faster than 50 km/h.
D. There is a rest area 50 metres ahead.

Explanation : The maximum speed you can travel is 50 km/h

20. What is the alcohol limits of driving for those who are under 20 years old?

A. 0 tolerance for those who are under 20
B. 150 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath
C. 30 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
D. 80 milligrams alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood

Explanation : There is a zero alcohol limit if you are under 20. That means if you drive after consuming even one drink you can be charged with drink driving.

21. Which of the following people may legally require you to give a blood sample?

A. A police officer, an ambulance officer, other crash party.
B. A medical doctor, other crash party, a police officer.
C. A police officer, a medical doctor or an approved person.
D. An ambulance driver, an approved person or a medical doctor.

Explanation : you must agree to a blood test if asked by a police officer, medical doctor or other approved person.

22. if you are 20 or above, the legal alcohol limit is 400 micrograms per litre of breath or 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood. what does this mean?

A. you should not drink over this limit if you want to drive
B. police officer will arrest you
C. this is the minimum amount you should drink
D. you will always be ok to drive as long as not hit this limit

Explanation : You must not drive if you have consumed more than the legal alcohol limit. if you are under 20, the limit is 150 micrograms per litre of breath or 30 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood.

23. What should you do if you are driving and become sleepy?

A. Drive on the far left side of the road.
B. Move off to the left of the road and have a rest.
C. Speed up so that you can get home quickly.
D. Keep on driving but use a lower gear.

Explanation : If you start feeling sleepy: do not keep driving, pull over immediately in a safe place (as far off the road as possible)

24. Which of these are illegal

A. Driving on the left side of the road
B. Driving at 95km/h in a 100km/h zone
C. Texting message while driving
D. Swearing in the car

Explanation : Texting while driving is very dangerous and leads to many crashes

25. The speed limit sign shown, means the:

A. slowest speed you are allowed to drive on the motorway.
B. average speed you are allowed to drive in good conditions.
C. fastest speed you are allowed to drive in good conditions.
D. fastest speed you are allowed to drive, except when passing.

Explanation : The sign means that the maximum speed that you can travel at is 100 km/h.

26. When passing a bus displaying a School sign, that has stopped to let children on or off, you must not drive faster than:

A. 20 km/h.
B. 25 km/h.
C. 30 km/h.
D. 35 km/h.

Explanation : If a school bus has stopped to let children on or off, you must slow down and drive at 20 km/h or less until you are well past the bus, no matter what direction you are coming from.

27. The number on this sign shows:

A. the fastest speed to drive around the curve.
B. the speed in the right-hand lane.
C. the safest speed to drive around the curve.
D. the distance to the next intersection.

Explanation : The signs warns you that you are coming up to a tight curve or bend in the road. The number recommends a safe and comfortable speed to drive at around the curve - in this example the recommended speed is 65 km/h. The arrows show which direction the curve

28. what should you do if you are driving and feel extremely tired

A. pull over and have a rest
B. drive on to your home
C. speed up
D. pinch yourself

Explanation : it can be dangerous when your tired as your reactions are slow

29. What is the speed limit for vehicles passing a school bus that has stopped to let children on or off?

A. 20 km/h.
B. 30 km/h.
C. 40 km/h.
D. 50 km/h.

Explanation : If a school bus has stopped to let children on or off, you must slow down and drive at 20 km/h or less until you are well past the bus, no matter what direction you are coming from.

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